HyperCyl pneumatic hydraulic cylinders offer speed, precision, and power

AEC manufactures three kinds of HyperCyl units.
Aries Engineering Co. Inc. (AEC) is a diversified manufacturer of hydra-pneumatic cylinders and presses built for use in a variety of assembly and forming applications, and Advanced Motion & Controls Ltd. is proud to supply these products in the Canadian market. Aries makes the HyperCyl brand of pneumatic hydraulic cylinders, highly reputed for their speed, precision, and power. These are technically unique units backed by a solid pledge of customer service.
Quality, needs, and problem solving
Upon its founding in 1994, AEC pioneered new technology in air/oil intensification. The company also recognized the need for evaluating customer assembly and forming tasks to determine the force/distance, time, and finishing product requirements before press and fixture design and equipment purchase.
This is why AEC created an application test to evaluate a complete finished or sub-assembly part at no charge, through actual assembly of components that the customer provides. The company usually returns all supplied materials, with a complete evaluation documentation report, to the customer within a day after their original receipt. AEC also has an extensive database of hundreds of previous assembly and forming applications, available for customer use and access.
Advanced Motion & Controls Ltd. carries the following HyperCyl products by AEC:
- HyperCyl EMA electric actuators. These electromechanical actuators are robust, servo-driven units designed for precision assembly applications and tasks not compatible with standard HyperCyl or intelliCyl products.
- HyperCyl pneumatic hydraulic cylinders. Completely self-contained and cost-efficient power sources, these pneumatic hydraulic cylinders are perfectly suited for a broad range of pressing and forming applications.
- HyperPress machines and standalone stations. Four standard designs from C-frames, equalizing units, and CGB small-form frames.
AEC’s success is a direct result of its dedication to customers and its distribution network. The company listens closely to what customers demand in terms of quality, problem-solving solutions, and emerging product needs, after which it applies these demands to its products. This is why AEC has earned a large, diverse client base spanning many industries, including electronics, appliances, aerospace, the military, the medical field, and the automotive sector.
To learn more, contact Advanced Motion & Controls Ltd.