Internal logistic solutions by MiR handle endless range of applications

The MiR250 autonomous mobile robot.
Mobile Intelligent Robots, or MiR, manufactures autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) that are available via Advanced Motion & Controls Ltd. The portfolio includes the MiRGo line of internal logistic solutions, which works for an endless variety of applications. Like other MiR products, these devices optimize productivity in logistics and manufacturing.
The MiRGo series boost efficiency by allowing workers to focus on higher-value activities, reducing lead time, lowering the risk of bottlenecks, and optimizing safety.
From disinfection to communication
Among the different categories of applications that can be integrated into the MiRGo series from Advanced Motion & Controls:
- Disinfection. Ultraviolet lights and other top modules turn the robot into an automatic disinfection machine that optimizes internal cleaning cycles.
- Frames/shelves. AMRs become automatic material movers that optimize internal logistics. The robots handle applications from big totes to small bins.
- Anchoring devices. Users can attach carts, shelves, and other objects to the MiR robot, to move a variety of objects throughout a plant.
- Lifts. Integrating the lift function enables users to lift and move shelves, pallets, and more throughout facilities, which provides further task variation.
- Conveyors. Used for automatic picking and dropping of goods, ranging from small totes to pallets. Adding a conveyor atop a robot prepares it for fully automatic production cycles.
- Communication. Open interfaces enable such applications as elevators, ERP systems, analytics SW, and static installations.
- Stations. Various docking stations enable fulfillment of a complete workflow. Depending on the setup, stations can receive goods in different ways.
- Robot arms. These turn the AMR into an automatic, mobile material gripper that optimizes internal logistics and production flows and executes precise, specialized tasks.
Watch this video to learn what the MiR250 can do:
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